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I want to sign up for a group!
Spokane Campus
For more information on growth groups, please contact Cassie at (509) 557-0407 or cassie@livingstonespokane.com

Psalms at His Feet with Tara Lambert and Pastor Lori
Tuesdays Beginning January 28 from 6 pm - 8 pm | Pastor Kay's Home
Living Stone ladies, join us for a 13 week book study led by Tara Lambert and Pastor Lori Bradeen. The study will cover "Psalms at His Feet Studies" by Hope A. Blanton and Christine B. Gordon. Each week we will gather at Kay Hill's home to pray together and discuss one specific Psalm of the week.
Ladies Only | Up to 20 People
Ladies Only | Up to 20 People

Freedom to Live Like Jesus with Pastor Van
Wednesdays Beginning January 8 from 6:30 pm - 8 pm | Church Campus
Join us for our Freedom to Live Like Jesus growth group, led by Pastor Van. Beginning on January 8, the group will meet on Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM at the church campus and will go through Pastor Van's book, Freedom to Live Like Jesus. The book is focused on discovering the transformative power of Jesus' name and learning how to embrace a life of true freedom, compassion, and purpose. Whether you're dealing with guilt, shame, brokenness, trauma, abuse, rejection, criticism, addiction, or any other burden, this class and book will help provide you with tools to break down those strongholds and step into your true identity.
In an effort to make it possible for parents with young kids to join, we will go through one chapter of the book every two weeks, meaning you need only come to class every other week.
The book is available on Amazon with this link. The church has some extra copies for those who are not in the position to purchase the material, please contact Pastor Van and let him know if this is the case.
In an effort to make it possible for parents with young kids to join, we will go through one chapter of the book every two weeks, meaning you need only come to class every other week.
The book is available on Amazon with this link. The church has some extra copies for those who are not in the position to purchase the material, please contact Pastor Van and let him know if this is the case.

Faith Walkers with Pastor Lori & Christine Harris
Wednesdays Beginning April17 from 9 am - 10 am | Franklin Park
Walk, talk, pray and soak up some Vitamin D! Whether you are an avid hiker or a prefer a slow stroll, this group is for you! We'll be meeting weekly on Wednesdays from 9 AM - 10 AM at Franklin Park by the South playground on West Queen Avenue. This is a time to reinforce some healthy habits with some friendship, sharing life, and prayer walking.
Women only | Moms with littles are welcome to bring kids and strollers.
Women only | Moms with littles are welcome to bring kids and strollers.

Monday Night Men's Group with Bill Crocker & Jack Harris
Monday Nights Beginning January 8 from 7pm-8:30pm | Church Campus
Spend time in fellowship and prayer as we study the Word of God -- beginning in the Gospel of John. We will discuss the Scripture for 30-40 minutes and end with 30 minutes of prayer for one another. All ages welcome! We will meet the 2nd and 4th Mondays of every month year round, except for the months of December, April, and August.
Led by Bill Crocker and Jack Harris. Men only.
Led by Bill Crocker and Jack Harris. Men only.

Singles Plus Group with Marilyn Wadsworth
1st & 3rd Sundays after church
If you are single or single and have friends interested in tagging along this group is for you! All are welcome! The group will alternate each week between a potluck at the church to discuss the Bible and meeting at a restaurant for social time.
Gen Z Worship Jam with Justin Joiner
4th Sunday after church
This group is for youth ages 10-18! Come expecting to get fed, have some fun and worship with other youth, all while playing the instrument you love or want to learn! Bring your own instrument(s) if you have one.